What We Do

Established in 1996, the Jewish Deaf Resource Center (JDRC) is a national 501(c)3 non-profit organization, serving as a communication access bridge between Jewish hearing, hard of hearing and deaf communities. JDRC provides support to individuals, synagogues, schools, and organizations in the wider Jewish community to come together as one. Through JDRC’s efforts, we build a richer and meaningful Jewish communal life for everyone.

The JDRC works towards the following five goals:

Gateway to Resources
Offer guidance and resources to ensure full participation in Jewish life and education for all.
Advocacy for Access
Champion for the right to belong and having an equal voice in the decision making process related to communication access.
Ensure Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals are aware of accessible events hosted by synagogues, Jewish Community Centers, Jewish organizations, and schools.
Partnerships & Alliances
Develop more connections between Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals and Jewish organizations providing communication access.
Increase representation of individuals who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing in Jewish communal leadership positions.